Sandbox Options
I will be discussing all sandbox options that could have an effect on different parts of the economy subsystem.
BTSE | Core Settings
This directly affects any containers that an admin updates to a vending machine. Once an admin has set a container to be a vending machine, everyone in the area must leave the area and come back for this setting to take full effect. This is due to Zomboid code, we suggest 3-4 cells away.
The best example of this is in the Money -> Wire to someone you met recently tab
Depending on how you display user’s names on your server you could change this. In an RP heavy server such as Project Apocalypse the first/last name of the specific character is shown, so they would check this. While, A Path Above on the other hand, simply uses usernames and would uncheck this.
BTSE | Economy
This is the user facing name for the main currency.
An example:
After defining a new currency, you can define it to have a Cash stream as well. All currencies defined here will have a new stream prefixed with cash_ like the existing cash_primary.
After defining a new currency, you can define it to have a Cash stream as well. All currencies defined here will have a new stream prefixed with cash_ like the existing cash_primary.
As an example, I’ve defined a new currency (we’ll go into more detail about creating currency later). If I want to have a cash stream, I would define that here and it would look like the following.
Now, players can trade that currency directly by right clicking on a player directly.
This one is pretty straight forward, this defines the maximum number of tiles between two players for a cash transfer. Like you were handing them paper money.
Any money that’s not deposited at an ATM will be lost on death, you can see the difference in the Account Balance of the UI. If I were to die with the following balance
I would lose 163.00 Zoidbucks and 9800 Tessera (we’ll fix the labels later)
This takes all forms of cash money and puts it in a wallet on the corpse.
For example, if I died with this balance sheet the wallet on my corpse would have 163.00 Zoidbucks and 9800 Tessera in it. (we’ll fix the labels later)
This option will remove a percentage of bank account funds on death.
For example, if I set it to 10% and die. I will lose 11196.19 Zoidbucks and 20 Tessera
BTSE | Player goodies
Enables the bounty system that pays out by default between 1 and 10 cash of the primary currency at a 10% chance for each zombie kill.
Allows you to change which currency the bounty system pays out.
Randomizes bounty payout currencies based on those defined in previously mentioned setting (also shown below).
Percentage chance for a bounty to pay out when a zombie dies.
This is the minimum amount of currency paid when a bounty is paid out.
This is the maximum amount of currency paid when a bounty is paid out.
Enables the paycheck system. Which will deliver paychecks in the primary currency every n amount of time logged in on the server. As defined in the following settings.
Where you define the amount paid with each paycheck.
The actual amount of primary currency given per paycheck.
BTSE | Banking
The owner of the bank. This person will receive all bank fees applied to ATM transactions. A name here is required for bank fees to be applied.
You can set it to an admin or if you set it to something random like zzzzzzz or asdfohiurh it’ll just go into an empty account.
% of fees applied to ATM transactions and sent to the bank owner
Logs transactions under their own category when paychecks are redeemed through the UI. If you have the chat system installed you can use /paycheck to redeem.
This value precedes the account number.
Example: PA121212
Example: ZE121212
Defines the number of digits that come after the prefix characters.
Bank main office allows any ATM functions in the defined area without an ATM.
Maximum distance a person can stand from an atm and interact with it.
Interest applied to banked money every paycheck. This will only be applied to primary by default. Other currencies can be defined in the next setting.
Other currencies that can accrue interest, if we wanted our example currency to accrue interest we’d put it here.
Allows players to exchange valuables anywhere without an ATM.
Allows valuables to be exchanged at any atm without defining that option at each atm.
Allows paychecks to be redeemed at any atm without defining that option at each atm.
Adds the account balance document to a player’s inventory instead of posting it in chat.
BTSE | Shops and zoning
This person will receive all taxes applied to paychecks and item sales. A name here is required for bank fees to be applied.
You can set it to an admin or if you set it to something random like zzzzzzz or asdfohiurh it’ll just go into an empty account.
% of taxes applied to shop transactions and paychecks and sent to the tax receiver
Shows taxes under their own category in statements, still redeemed with paychecks.
Defines an area where you can purchase vehicles from the global shop without a terminal.
The minimum distance to a vending machine where you can purchase a vehicle.The vehicle will spawn directly on the player who purchases it, so it’s best to have some distance away from the machine so cars don’t clip into it.
The maximum distance to a vending machine where you can purchase a vehicle.
Changes the preview picture size in the UI.
Prevents players from buying cars inside rooms which can cause issues.
Allows players to purchase cars and vehicles without a shop terminal or other vending machine.
Maximum distance a player can be away from a shop terminal or vending machine to purchase items.